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  • Are pets allowed?

    We do not allow pets. Any guest found having a pet on property will be charged a fine and additional cleaning fee.

  • What time is Check In?

    Check in for all properties is 4:00 pm. You will receive all the information you need, including your lock access code, prior to your arrival from our Customer Service Team.

  • What Time is Check Out?

    Check out is promptly at 10:00 am. It is important that you leave on time in order for our housekeeping team to clean and prepare our properties for the next guests.

  • Are linens provided?

    YES! You will have linens for every bed (including sofa beds), as well as bath towels and kitchen towels. You will need to provide your own beach towels, and we ask that none of our towels be taken to the pool or beach.

  • Is Smoking Permitted?

    There is to be NO SMOKING in any of our properties. This includes vaping or other devices.

  • How Old Do You Have to Be to Rent a Property?

    In general, you must be 21 years old to rent with VLP, but there ARE some properties that require renters to be 25 years or older. Please refer to the property description and confirm with Customer Service to ensure that you are able to rent one of our properties.

  • What Is Your Cancellation Policy?

    Vacation life Properties requires a 30 days notice to cancel for a full refund for rentals less than a month long and a 60 days notice to cancel for rentals a month or longer. Cancellation of booking at any time after Confirmation has been issued may result in forfeiture of deposit(s). Cancellation within the 30-day period prior to check-in may result in forfeiture of the entire rental amount for Daily or weekly rentals. 60 day period for people that are staying for a month. Refund of monies paid for rental and services will be made under the following circumstances: (1) If, on the day that the rental is scheduled to begin, the property is unfit for habitation and no equivalent substitute can be obtained, or the property is not reachable by the usual means of transportation, or access to the property by visitors has been prohibited by authorities; or (2) The Condo is re-booked for the same time period and at the same rate of initial booking. If a portion of the rental time is re-booked, a pro rata refund will be made. All refunds, whether in whole or pro-rata, will be subject to the deduction equal to 15% of deposit(s) paid. To protect against cancelations caused by certain unforeseen events, such as illness, death, natural disasters, etc., we recommend that guests purchase trip cancellation and Interruption Protection insurance to assure refund of deposits paid and reimbursement of other vacation payments. Such insurance is available through travel agents, auto clubs such as AAA, or online at http://www.rentalguardian.com/ or http://www.csatravelprotection.com/"